Mobile App Security (Android and iOS) Best Practices

August 7, 2023

Mobile applications are a major part of our daily lives now. We use mobile applications for so many purposes, starting from communication, shopping, utility, banking, health, travel, entertainment, and so on. Mobile applications have covered all aspects of our lives.

With the rise in smartphone users and better internet connectivity, the user base of applications has increased multiple folds. Businesses are investing in building mobile applications for reaching their customers and providing them with the best services. The number of applications in the store is huge and constantly growing. Some of the major parameters that make mobile applications a success are;

  • Functionality
  • User-friendliness
  • Performance/Speed
  • Security

We are in 2023, and one of the major threats we are facing is the online world of cyber attacks. In this scenario securing mobile applications becomes a significant process.

We will discuss some of the best practices for securing mobile applications practiced globally, that would help in making sure your business application is a top-notch high performing application. If you’re looking to develop a mobile application for your business it is necessary for you to understand the dynamics of mobile application security and the ways to ensure the security of your application.

Best security practices in mobile application development

Securing mobile applications is not that tricky with the help of following top security practices during the development of mobile applications. The best mobile application development company follows these practices to ensure the development of secure Android applications as well as secure ios applications. Let us see how to develop a secure mobile application for your company.

1. Authentication

It is one simple step, which helps in securing mobile applications by verifying the user’s identity with the help of user-id, password, fingerprint, or one-time passwords. Granting access to the user with the help of authentication is an important step that can prevent access to hackers which would lead to data theft and other malicious activity.

Certain applications have crucial information about the user such as banking details, two-factor authentication needs to be implemented in such applications, which would add a layer of protection to mobile applications.

2. Encryption

One of the concerns for developers is how to secure mobile app data since mobile applications would require storing some user data for functioning. Encryption is a method used to protect the data in storage as well as while data is being transferred. There are majorly two methods to encrypt data: symmetric and asymmetric.

In the case of symmetric encryption a single key is used to encrypt and decrypt data, while in asymmetric encryption two different keys are used to encrypt and decrypt data. Developers use SQLite database encryption models or file-level encryption to protect data from any threat.

3. Securing Code

One of the crucial aspects of secure mobile applications is securing the code. Frequent tests are to be run by the developers to ensure the code is bug-free. Developers usually adopt some procedure that helps in maintaining the source code security.

Static code analysis – This helps in analyzing the code and finding out the vulnerabilities in the code if any. It is conducted before compiling the code, which helps in eliminating any bug or error in the initial stage only.

Code obfuscation – It is a method that converts the code into something difficult to understand, but the functionality remains intact. It complicates the process of reverse engineering which is used by the attackers to interfere with the code.

4. Testing

Efficient testing practices go a long way in developing secure mobile applications. Testing helps the developers to find out any probable error, bug, or malfunction before launching the application for the users. There are several automated testing tools available for Android and iOS mobile applications both, it saves a lot of time and effort which is required in manual testing.

There are some of the most preferred testing tools by the developers: Angr, QARK, Android debug bridge, DevKnox, Drozer, Zed Attack Proxy, and Frida.

5. End to End Encryption

Data is transmitted constantly between the client and the server side which can be a threat to the mobile application. All the necessary steps need to be taken well in advance to protect against any attack or data theft.

Developers follow the practice of end-to-end encryption so that exposure to the threat could be restricted. It is recommended to use HTTPS for communication between the client and server. There are several mechanisms available for both Android and ios mobile applications to enable end-to-end encryption.

6. Secure API

Developers need to be cautious about API integration, as it increases exposure. One of the practices is to use higher-level APIs. The APIs need to be authenticated concerning the platform to avoid any problems. Data access authorization is another method to ensure API security.

7. Data Storage and Data Caching

One of the primary concerns of the users while downloading and using an application is the threat to the data. There is sensitive information already present on the user’s device. Restricting the amount of information required to be stored in the application, can be a saviour in case of a threat.

Data caching is implemented in applications or websites to increase the speed of the application and enhance its performance. Choosing the proper caching strategy, storage and appropriate cache expiration time is crucial.

Also read: Flutter vs Swift: Mobile Development Faceoff 

8. Session handling and Data leakage

Sessions are created while the user is using the application and these sessions need to be timed out timely to avoid prolonged exposure. Session identifiers should be created each time the user is logged out from the session.

Data Leakage – It is one of the major challenges in mobile applications. As soon as the user downloads the application, certain permission is requested for the application to access the device data. Developers can restrict access by limiting the permission to the necessary access. Dynamic data masking is one of the ways which protects the data from unauthorized access by masking it.


With the help of tools and adapting the best practices for securing mobile applications in the development phase can help to build secure Android apps or secure iOS apps. We have this mobile app security checklist with the help of our expert mobile application developers. DRC Systems have been constantly building and delivering secure mobile applications for businesses with diverse and unique requirements.

If you are looking for a trusted mobile application development company to help you grow your business. We can assist you in several ways, connect with us and find out more about mobile application development. You can hire dedicated developers from our talented team.


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